2017-11-132017-11-132012ANDRADE, Carla Yoko Tanikawa de; ANDRADE, Maria Auxiliadora; CAFÉ, Marcos Barcellos; STRINGHINI, José Henrique; MORI, Anderson; MORAES, Dunya Mara Cardoso; ALCÂNTARA, Juliana Bonifácio; COSTA, Hérika Xavier. Efeitos da Salmonella Enteritidis experimentalmente inoculada na saúde gastrintestinal de perus. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Viçosa, v. 41, n. 3, p. 618-623, 2012.e- 1806-9290http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/12812The effects of Salmonella Enteritidis on the colonization and development of the intestinal tract, feed conversion and weight gain were evaluated. A total of 135 day old turkeys were assigned to three treatments: control; turkeys from eggs inoculated with Salmonella Enteritidis via shell and turkeys challenged with drinking water with Salmonella Enteritidis. At 10, 20 and 28 days, the performance variables were evaluated and samples were collected to perform bacterial assessment, biometrics and histomorphometry. On days one, 15 and 28, samples of meconium/excreta were collected from all birds. The intestinal colonization increased during the initial phase when Salmonella was inoculated via eggshell. The intestine showed greater weight on the first, tenth and 28th days when Salmonella was present, with no differences regarding the intestine length. Salmonella Enteritidis was able to colonize the intestinal tract, establish infection, reduce bird performance and modify the cellular structures of the intestine. Contamination of the eggshell before hatching generated birds susceptible to infection at birth and the frequency of isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis persisted until 28 days of age. Salmonella inoculation by drinking water generated infected birds, but with less recovery of the pathogen with age increase. Inoculated birds showed inferior performance, confirming the potential damage to poultry production.porAcesso AbertoColonização intestinalHistomorfometriaMeleagridis gallopavoSalmoneloseIntestinal colonizationHistomorphometryEfeitos da Salmonella Enteritidis experimentalmente inoculada na saúde gastrintestinal de perusEffects of experimentally inoculated Salmonella Enteritidis on the gastrointestinal health of turkeysArtigo