2022-05-112022-05-112022-04-14CORREIA, Letícia Ázara. Trajetória educacional de um aluno com transtorno do espectro autista pelo prisma da mãe: antes e após o diagnóstico. 2022. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20741This study aimed to understand, through the prism of the mother and the analysis of reports, how the educational trajectory of a student with autism who currently attends the 7th year of Elementary School has been taking, before and after the arrival of the diagnosis. In order to achieve this objective, a qualitative approach was developed, with a research plan based on the perspective of a classic case study. As an instrument for data collection, the analysis of documents relating to the student and semi-structured interviews were used, developed with a mother of a student with autism. The data obtained were analyzed in the light of the presuppositions of the socio-historical perspective of Vygotsky and some collaborators, understanding that the human being needs to be understood from the interactions with his peers. As a result, it is highlighted that the subject with autism, from the mother's reports, had their activities restricted and not adapted at school before the arrival of their diagnosis and that, after the arrival of the diagnosis, the school began to have a look more sensitive to the student regarding the adaptation of practices and activities, however, his schooling process began to occur in a special class, along with other children who had specific educational needs. Regarding this aspect, we emphasize that, inspired by Vygotsky, the segregation of people with disabilities cannot generate good results, since the segregated context does not reflect the totality of social relations and does not form students for diversity and autonomy in society. Finally, we emphasize that the processes of initial and continuing education of educators need to contemplate tangible aspects to the inclusion of people with disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/giftedness in ordinary schools so that education professionals know how to adapt their practices to the specificities of the students and recognize/advocate that the place where the target public student of special education should be is in the common school, experiencing and experiencing reciprocal, alteritarian and dialogic social interactions.porAcesso AbertoAutismoEducação inclusivaBarreiras atitudinaisPerspectiva histórico-culturalMães de pessoas com deficiênciaAutismInclusive educationAttitudinal barriersHistorical-cultural perspectiveMothers of people with disabilitiesTrajetória educacional de um aluno com transtorno do espectro autista pelo prisma da mãe: antes e após o diagnósticoEducational trajectory of a student with autism spectrum disorder through the mother's perspective: before and after diagnosisTCC