2020-01-282020-01-282014WICHERS, Camila A. de Moraes. Dois enquadramentos, um mesmo problema: os desafios da relação entre museus, sociedade e patrimônio arqueológico. Revista de Arqueologia, Pelotas, v. 26/27, n. 2/1, p. 16-39, 2013/2014.e- 1982-1999http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18570The article summarizes the theoretical contributions and the advances in methodology of two academic works that, from a Museology and archeology disciplinary point of view, defend the Archaeology’s Musealization as a way of approaching society and archeological heritage. The Museology thesis “Museums and anthropophagy of the archeological heritage: paths and misleadings of the Brazilian practice”, defended in the University Lusófona of Humanities e Technologies discusses the relationship between museums and archeological heritage in Brazil, proposing the integration between archeology’s post-processual approaches and Sociomuseology. For its part, the Archeology thesis “Archeological Heritage in São Paulo state: museological propositions and provocations”, defended at the University of São Paulo, verticalizes the previous analysis in the São Paulo territory, advancing with the propositions of concepts, methods and work strategies.porAcesso AbertoMusealização da arqueologiaSociomuseologiaArqueologiasPós-processuaisMusealization of archaeologySociomuseologyPostprocessual archaeologiesDois enquadramentos, um mesmo problema: os desafios da relação entre museus, sociedade e patrimônio arqueológicoArtigo10.24885/sab.v26i2/1.380