2019-05-312019-05-312017XERENTE, Silvino Sirnãwẽ. Akwēkrãwaihku Nãhã Rowaskuze. Articulando e Construindo Saberes, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 1, p. 20-26, jan./dez. 2017. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/racs/article/view/48993/24013.e- 2525-8303http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17577Kãhã hâisuka ĩt kakuĩkre tô wakrãiwaihku nã kãtô romwaihku aimõ sissum snã krhêmba mnõ nmẽ, wanĩm akwẽ nõrĩ, kãtô akwẽ wadi aimõ tkrê samãr waihku psê mnõ pibumã. Ahâmre tô Warã, are tâkãnnĩ tô rowahtuze taimõ Warã nõkwakrê wamã krsimãsa. Warã wa tô wawẽ nõrĩ aire kbure rowahdu wanĩm aikte nõrai mã tkrê krtmã rowahtukw, are tãkãnnĩ tô rowahtuzem hawi tet aimõ rowahtukwai nõrĩ kbure wanĩm aikte nõrai mã kbure romkmãdâ tkrê tmã rowahtukw. Aikde tô srõwa hawi za dure rowahdu tê waihku nnãkrat, tapari za rowahtuzem hawi aimõ rowahdu tê kmã sizus mnõ pibumã, tahawi za wnĩm aikte nõrĩ wanĩm romkmãdâ tkrê sawikw, are dure krmã simãzukw wat rmẽ kõ pibumã.This article has as main purpose to present a reflection and to report the knowledge of my Akwẽ people. Our elders tell us that Akwẽ children have grown up with wisdom and knowledge since the old days, starting at home and then going to Warã. The Warã was the true school of the Akwẽ people, where the teachers who were the elders were today replaced by the school most villages have. They teach all the knowledge to the children, about their culture, and also to value their customs, and to know how to live among their people, with non-Indians. Because of the school, they will become the best teachers, so they will pass all the knowledge of their people and then train other young people.othAcesso AbertoWarãSaberesAnciãosEscolasCrianças AkwẽWakrãiwaihkuzeRomwaihkuWawẽ nõrĩRowahtuzeAikdeKnowledgeEldersSchoolsAkwẽ ChildrenAkwēkrãwaihku Nãhã RowaskuzeArtigo10.5216/racs.v2i1.48993