2022-08-242022-08-242007-12CASTILLO PIZARRO, Roberto Eduardo; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de. O agronégocio e as potencialidades turísticas do município de Rio Verde-Go. Boletim Gaúcho de Geografia, Porto Alegre, n. 32, p. 113-130, dez. 2007.2357-9447http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21214This article discusses how agribusinesses allows or not the creation or favours tourism in Rio Verde town. Expositions related to cattle-raising and agriculture, such as Agrishow- COMIGO are examples of strategies of marketing and publicity for cattle raising, agriculture and technologic agriculture products. Besides those events, the increase of the rate of occupation in the hotel network in the last years raised the idea of developing tourism in the city. The touristic potential of the city is ignored by businessmen involved with lodging, foods and beverages. Inexperience affects also public agents in charge of tourism promotion, creating obstacles to the development of tourism as a new economic activity in the town.porAcesso AbertoAgribusinessAgronegócioTourismBusiness and events tourismTourism potentialitiesRio Verde - GOTurismoPacotes tecnológicosTurismo de negócio e eventosPotencialidade turísticasO agronégocio e as potencialidades turísticas do município de Rio Verde-GoThe agribussiness and turistics potentialities of Rio Verde-GOArtigo