2019-01-072019-01-072006-12FREITAS, Paulo C. M.; LIMA, Stênio França; PUCCI, Liuba Laxor; CUNHA, Luiz Carlos da; IKEGAMI, Tereza Yoshie; VALADARES, Marize Campos. Soda cáustica e derivados: estudo de casos de ingestão e dos fatores de risco ligados às condições de comercialização dos produtos no período de 1994 à 2003 no município de Goiânia. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 2, p. 83-92, jul./dez. 2006. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/REF/article/view/2080/2022>.e- 1808-0804http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16676This work aimed the study of intoxication cases of children and adults, who were attended by the Digestive and Respiratory Endoscopy Service of the Clinical Hospital of the Goias Federal University, due to caustic soda ingestion, and the correlation between the variables in the notification files of the Goias. Center of Toxicological Information and the risk factors related to commercialization conditions from 1994 to 2003, in Goiania The results show no significant difference when sex is considered, however, higher intoxication frequencies were found in children from 0 to 5 years old (78.28%), in adults from 20 to 40 years old (52.78%), at home (89.58%); by oral via (82.30%), and by accidental cause (83%) followed by suicide (12.5%). Lack of security in packs; low efficient recommendations, unappropriate using conditions, and commercialization volumes (500 g/ml or higher) are the risk factors closer related to intoxicaton occurrences.porAcesso AbertoSoda cáusticaIntoxicaçãoFatores de riscoCaustic sodaIntoxicationRisk factorsSoda cáustica e derivados: estudo de casos de ingestão e dos fatores de risco ligados às condições de comercialização dos produtos no período de 1994 à 2003 no município de GoiâniaCaustic soda and its derivates: study of cases with ingestion and the factors linked to product’s commercialization conditions from 1994 to 2002 in Goiânia cityArtigo10.5216/ref.v3i2.2080