2014-11-112014-11-112008ROCHA, Danilo de Assis. A intranet como ferramenta de gestão da informação: caso do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Goiás. 2008. 90 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/4347The revolutions originated with the surging of the internet and new information management technologies provided changes in the habits of people in relation to search, selection and use of information; directly interfering in process and dynamics of work of the institutions. The so-called society of information with its complexity and new requirements increasingly search tools that allow optimization of resources, improve the functionality and usability of the information in the organizational environment. The intranet has been noticed as an information management tool that can reduce distances, reduce the time spent n the execution of various tasks and serve as a communication channel between employees of different organizations. Large companies such as UOL, Terra e Vivo already use the intranet to manage their processes and routines of work. Nowadays, not dependent on the size, neither the nature nor the organization magnitude, it can benefice itself with the resources offered by the intranet. When an organization makes use of the www (World Wide Web) technology to offer services and information through a privative computer network, it can be said that the organization uses an intranet. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the way intranet is used as an information management tool in the Justice Tribunal of the Goiás State. It’s pertinent to consider that other studies have concluded that is not enough only to make all a complete ostentation of technology on a intranet environment available, without to invest on training and politics that stimulate the employees to use the tool on their routines of work; so, no use for technology, if the human factor isn’t taken into account.porAcesso abertoIntranetInformaçãoTJ-GOInformationA intranet como ferramenta de gestão da informação: caso do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de GoiásMonografia