2017-04-252017-04-251975-06SONNENBERG, Peter Ernst; MONTEIRO, Maria Sílvia Rodrigues; MARTINS, José Carlos. Comportamento da "tropical" - nova variedade de cenoura [daucus carota l.) - no final da estação chuvosa em Goiânia. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 42-48, jan./dez. 1975. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2196/2153>.1517-6398http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11807"TROPICAL" - A NEW VARIETY OF CARROT [04ucu4 C""-Oú L,) UNDER THE CLIMAT!C CONDITIONS DF GOIÃNIA, DUR!NG THE END OF THE RA!NY SEASON. "Tropical", a new annual variety of carrot was compared with the biennia1 varieties "Nantes• and "Kuroda", in a field trial, during,the end of the rainy season, at Goiânia, atate of Goiãs, Brasil. After three weeks of the seeding, the plants were sprayed with Difolatan 50, at ten days intervals to control the attack of A.t.te.Jt.na.Jti4 d4tu . .i (Kühn) Graves & Skolko. 11 Tropical 11 was significantly the best in yielding marketable roots of cilindri­cal shape, which is preferred to the conical one of •Kuroda" by the brazilian consumer. No marketable yield was obtained from "Nantes" because of its high susceptibility to A.l.te.1tna.1r.ia. bUgh.t "Tropical" showed to be almost as resistant as "Kuroda" to this disease. There were some bolting plants in all plots of the new variety.porAcesso AbertoComportamento da "tropical" - nova variedade de cenoura [daucus carota l.) - no final da estação chuvosa em GoiâniaArtigo