2023-02-282023-02-282023-02-03SOUZA, Rakel Brandão. O analfabetismo funcional e as desigualdades sociais no Brasil. 2023. 145 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21975The present work, which aims to identify the implications between functional illiteracy and social inequalities in Brazil, consisted of questioning the relationships established between these two themes and the materiality of inequalities in the country. To meet this problem and this objective, the present research was elaborated, which is of a qualitative approach with the use of quantitative data, of the bibliographical and documental type. Through the analysis of data obtained from the bibliographic survey carried out in virtual collection repositories, it was possible to reflect on the relationship between functional illiteracy and social inequalities in the country. The results indicate that the reality of extreme inequality within Brazil has repercussions on Education in all its stages and modalities, conceiving illiteracy as a historical social issue in the country and, which is related to inequalities, since functional illiteracy is present and deeper among subjects of a given socioeconomic class, ethnic-racial group, region and gender. Therefore, functional illiteracy does not only denote intra school determinants and problems, it is the repercussion of social, historical, race and gender determinants in which unequal subjects are conditioned. These determinants and constraints are the main causes of the interruption of the literacy process, in general, of schooling. At the end of the study, it was verified that functional illiteracy has always been considered a necessary and important theme, the target of some policies aimed at its reduction and the field of study of other areas of knowledge, other than education.porAcesso AbertoAnalfabetismo funcionalDesigualdadesAlfabetizaçãoEducaçãoInequalitiesFunctional illiteracyLiteracyEducationO analfabetismo funcional e as desigualdades sociais no BrasilFunctional illiteracy and social inequalities in BrazilTCC