2021-04-152021-04-152012-06FIGUEREDO, Carla Janaina. A alteridade constitutiva em aulas de inglês como língua-cultura estrangeira: a perspectiva do princípio dialógico bakhtiniano. Bakhtiniana: revista de estudos do discurso, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 1, p. 2012-87, jan./jun. 2012.e- 2176-4573http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19447The main purpose of this paper is to discuss how dialogicity which is present in the development of Brazilian students of English and their Irish teacher’s discourse practices influences their subjectivities’ constitution and expression in the classroom context. Based on some elements that make up the Bakhtinian dialogical principle we notice that the other’s presence throughout the interactions with this study’s participants represents the fundamental factor to reveal their viewpoints as well as to rebuild them before their interlocutors, which can guarantee significant moments for the appropriation of English as a foreign language-culture.porAcesso AbertoInteraçãoInglês como língua-cultura estrangeiraAlteridadeDialogismoSubjetividadeInteractionDialogismAlteritySubjectivityEnglish as a foreign language-cultureA alteridade constitutiva em aulas de inglês como língua-cultura estrangeira: a perspectiva do princípio dialógico bakhtinianoThe constituting alterity in classes of English as a foreign language-culture: the Bakhtinian dialogical principle perspectiveArtigo10.1590/S2176-45732012000100005