2013-10-092013-10-092011-06-30TUZZO, S. A; OLIVEIRA, T. M. de; SILVA, M. L. M. da; MORAES, A; RIBEIRO, E; PENHA, F; SOUZA, G; VIEIRA, K; RUAS, K; SIMÃO, N. Observatório de Mídia e Cidadania: interações entre a reflexão acadêmica e a sociedade midiatizada. Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, GO, v. 14, n. 1, p. 3-13, jan./jun. 2011. Disponível em: <http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/ci/article/view/21495>.1415- 5842http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/1353v. 14, n. 1, p. 3-13, jan./jun. 2011.The media has a crucial role in the history of Brazilian society, while collective identities constructer. Through signs and signals, it builds and transforms images and realities. Indispensable to the achievement of the republic and the consolidation of capitalism, it challenges the scientific community interested in understanding its impact on society. In this process, the receiver is not just a passive spectator, but a critical user, that reframes the media messages. With the purpose of monitoring the media, reveal the relations between it and society by promoting a dialogue between media and public sphere, students and teachers of Citizenship and Media Master's in Communication from Facomb / UFG created the Media Observatory and Citizenship, a inedited space in Goiás, for the promotion of discussion about media content. The analysis of media influence in the citizenship construction in Brazil is the study’s object of the media observatory and of the present text.pt-BRObservatório de mídia e cidadaniaUFGObservatório de Mídia e Cidadania: interações entre a reflexão acadêmica e a sociedade midiatizadaCentre for Media and Citizenship: interactions between academic reflection and the mediatized societArticle