2021-09-082021-09-082021-06-09PAULA, Sara Mikaele Santos de. Combate à fome e transferência de renda: uma equação possível? O caso do Programa Bolsa Família. 2021. 95 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade De Goiás, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19853This monograph seeks to present an overview of the relationship between the intentions of different governments, especially the Brazilian, to fight hunger and the use of money transfer programs to achieve this end. To this end, a historical and analytical rescue of the conceptual and political debate on hunger is used, through a bibliographic review of the literature related to the theme, by the critical rescue of the national and international legal framework that enshrines food as a human right and by analyzing administrative data from cash transfer programs. It places the unequal distribution of food as a structural component of the dynamics and development of capitalist-type societies. It exposes the essential contradiction of this dynamic when one realizes that the contemporary crisis in Capital is generated not by scarcity, but by the source of production, resulting in large-scale waste, in addition to the destruction of nature and the risk to life. It demonstrates the historical advent of social movements that fight for the right to the right (and human life, consequently food) that over time managed to mobilize local, national and international authorities with the intention of signing agreements, treaties, conventions, among other rules, that consigned food to the list of fundamental human rights. It presents the Bolsa Familia Program as one of the strategies to fight hunger that allows not only the immediate situation of extreme poverty, but also impacts directly on local economies, thus demonstrating that the relationship between money transfer policies and the right to food is not only a possible relationship, but also desirable for the development of societies and the production of social welfare.porAcesso AbertoCombate à fomePolíticas públicasBolsa famíliaPobrezaSegurança alimentarFight against hungerPublic policiesBolsa familiaPovertyFood securityCombate à fome e transferência de renda: uma equação possível? O caso do Programa Bolsa FamíliaFighting hunger and transferring income: a possible equation? The case of the Bolsa Família ProgramTCC