2017-05-102017-05-101977-01SANTOS, Gil; NASCIMENTO, Ildeu Matias do; SILVA, Raimundo J. M. da; SUHET, Allert R.; EIRA, Paulo Augusto da; DOBEREINER, Johanna. Níveis de fósforo e calagem para a soja e efeito residual no arroz, em solos de cerrado do estado de Goiás. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 1, p. 23-44, jan./dez. 1977. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2268>.1517-6398http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11863In thià study are presented the results of the field experiments os phosphorous and lime levels in soybean (Gliaine max. L. Merril) crops. Which were·planted in nine locations in the state of Goiás. It was also st􀀚 died the effect of fertilizer in five of these locations on the subsequent rice crops. There was a linear effect of phosphorous in seven of the soybean experiments, with a quadratic effect of this sapie element in another experiment. In the rice e! per.iments, there was a linear effect of residual phosph􀀩 rous in three of the locations anda quadratic effect of calcium in one location. The best production of soybeans and rice was l.9 times higher than the average production of these crops in Brasil in 1969, despite of a severe drought. The profit was calculated along with the re lationship between the increase in value of the crops and the cost (fertilizer and lime) of producing this increase. The extra cost was justified in six places, mainly in the places where rice was planted during the second year.porAcesso AbertoNíveis de fósforo e calagem para a soja e efeito residual no arroz, em solos de cerrado do estado de GoiásPhosphorus and lime levels for soybeans and residual effect in rice in “cerrado” soils of the state of GoiásArtigo