2021-07-122021-07-122015RODRIGUES, Paula Cicília Faquim; SOUZA, João Batista de; MARTORELL, Leandro Brambilla; FREITAS, Pedro Henrique de; LOPES, Lawrence Gonzaga. Olhar vigilante na qualidade dos produtos odontológicos: a importância da VIGIPÓS. Revista Brasileira de Odontologia Legal, Ribeirão Preto, v. 2, n. 1, p. 91-107, 2015.e- 2359-3466http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19662The health surveillance has added to its stock a different look in the products, failed to see only the production and sale of local / use and started to follow the product post-trade. This distinctive look is to have as a partner of this action health professionals and the population in general to identify and inform the post-commercialization surveillance services. However, for that surveillance becomes aware of these quality deviations occurred with products used in daily practice is essential to the complaint / notification by the health care professional. Thus, the aim of this article is to present to the health care professionals, especially dentists, the performance of post-marketing surveillance for continuous improvement of product quality for health that are in the market for consumption.In other words, so that the performance of the surveillance is more efficient and generate improvements in the quality of these products, it is necessary the contribution of health professionals such as dentists, to report and notify quality deviations detected through NOTIVISA and thus contribute to the VIGIPÓS fulfill properly and punctually their actions.porAcesso AbertoQualidade de produtos para o consumidorNotificaçãoVigilância sanitáriaProdutos para saúdeNoticeHealth productsHealth surveillanceConsumer product safetyOlhar vigilante na qualidade dos produtos odontológicos: a importância da VIGIPÓSVigilant view on the quality of dental products: the importance of VIGIPÓSArtigo10.21117/rbol.v2i1.23