2018-02-202018-02-202008SANDES, Noé Freire. O jornalista Costa Rego e o tempo revolucionário (1930). Revista Brasileira de História, São Paulo, v. 28, n. 55, p. 41-61, 2008.0102-0188e- 1806-9347http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13719Costa Rego was one of the most respected journalists of his time. He wrote for the main newspaper of the country, the Correio da Manhã. In this article I carefully observe Rego’s analysis of the actuation of the ‘1934 Constituent’ and its implications. The richness of his point of view comes out of the accurate look he provides of that revolutionary moment. This journalist contested, with obstinacy, the destruction of his own experience as a public personality, defending the liberal project as a political option for Brazil, after the Revolution of 1930.porAcesso AbertoCorreio da ManhãRevolução de 1930Costa RegoCorreio da ManhãThe Revolution of 1930Costa RegoO jornalista Costa Rego e o tempo revolucionário (1930)The journalist Costa Rego and the 1930 revolutionary timeArtigo10.1590/S0102-01882008000100003