2023-03-232023-03-232023-02-24ALCÂNTARA, Nathalia Chinaia de. Socialização na modernidade: as mídias sociais e a constituição da subjetividade do adolescente. 2023. 70 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Psicologia) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22150In contemporary times the media is present in several scopes of people’s lives and for several times over a long period of time, becoming a space for leisure and work. According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the teenagers represents a big part of internet users, and the effects that excessive use of these media can have on adolescents' lives touch both the cognitive dimension and the affective and social. Thus, this work aims to discuss the relationship between social media and the constitution of adolescent subjectivity with regard to socialization processes in contemporary times. To achieve this objective, this paper stem from a bibliographic survey of classical theorists of critical theory and contemporary authors of a psychoanalytic bias. From the investigation accomplished it was possible to observe that adolescence has an intrinsic relationship with social historic context, being a modern concept and a period that requires an enormous psychic work in the search of a space in the social bond and image construction due to the various physical, social and psychological changes. The agents of socialization in which it is found, in contemporary times, are crossed by instrumental and marketing logic that crosses modern society while also being transformed in its development. The sociocultural’s changes and techs advances in industrial field, allowed large scale production and reproduction of many products, as exemple, the culture, that becoming a merchandise, starts to gain notoriety in subjects lives through the media, selling and dictating individuals needs and satisfaction objects. Therefore, in contemporary society the social media begins to occupy public space through spectacular images that sells life’s ideals and Dreams aside from the products themselves that are pervaded by neoliberal and marketing logic.Thus, the media constitutes a locus of socialization that starts to instigated the dictates of consumption, freedom and independence that are also present in the first agents of socialization, the family and the school; being these speeches that the teenager finds to guide him in the social bond looking for the constitution of the image of himselfporAcesso AbertoAdolescênciaMídiasSocializaçãoModernidadeAdolescenceMediaSocializationModernitySocialização na modernidade: as mídias sociais e a constituição da subjetividade do adolescenteTCC