2019-12-122019-12-122015-03FARIA, Wladimir Antônio de et al. Ultrassonografia no cálculo renal. RBUS: revista brasileira de ultra-sonografia, São Paulo, v. 18, p. 17-20, mar. 2015.1679-8953http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18441OBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of nephrolithiasis exclusively in the general adult population, as well as the age of highest incidence of the disease and the diameter of them. METHODS: a retrospective study. We analyzed 980 routine ultrasounds of the total abdomen, upper abdomen and male and female urinary tract. The variables analyzed were age, sex, presence of stones, as well as the size of the stones. RESULTS: Ages ranged between 18 and 89 years. Of those with renal lithiasis, 22 were men and 61 were women. The prevalence of renal lithiasis in the general population was 9.8%, whereas in males was 11% and female was 9.42%. The age group where the pathology was more common was the fourth decade of life (34.92%). The size of the identified lithiasis ranged from 2 mm to 11 mm, with a mean 4.73 mm. CONCLUSION: the prevalence of renal lithiasis in the general population was 9.8%, in females of 9.42% and in males 11%. The average size of calculations found was 4.73 mm.porAcesso AbertoLitíase renalGrupos etáriosPrevalênciaUltrassonografiaRenal lithiasisPrevalenceUltrasonographyAge groupsUltrassonografia no cálculo renalNephrolithiasis ultrasonographyArtigo