2023-08-222023-08-222020-11-13SOUZA, Geovanna Pinheiro. Efeito da temperatura de intercamada na liga a base de FeCrC-Ti na fabricação de pré-formas via manufatura aditiva por deposição à arco (MADA). 2023. 39 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação,Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/23359The additive manufacturing (AM) process, over the last few years, has experienced great developments that have allowed the manufacture of parts from different materials. 3D printing using polymers is already a reality, but metallic printing is still complex and costly. In view of this, the proposal arises to use welding processes for the manufacture of metallic components through the principle of additive manufacturing. On the other hand, there are several technological challenges related to the use of these processes. Due to the heat that is imposed on the metallic material during welding, the manufactured parts suffer severe thermal cycles that affect, on a larger scale, materials with more alloying elements in their chemical composition or that are produced from thermomechanical processes. In these materials, the thermal cycle imposed during welding causes microstructural changes that in turn govern the mechanical properties. Therefore, the objective of this project is to evaluate the effect of interlayer temperature on the microstructure, hardness and stability of the wall of the FeCrC-Ti based alloy. For this, three preforms with different interlayer temperatures, namely, 50 °C, 150 °C and another without stops, were produced through the additive manufacturing process by arc deposition using the Flux-cored arc welding process. A 1.6 mm diameter self-shielded tubular wire made of FeCrC+Ti alloy was used. With the manufactured preforms, it was possible to evaluate the effects of the interlayer temperature on the microstructure, as well as to evaluate factors such as geometric stability and hardness. The resulting microstructure showed great similarity between the analyzed preforms, with a certain variation only in the one carried out without stops throughout the welding process, in which the appearance of cracks also occurred. The preform manufactured non-stop with cooling only at the end of welding, obtained the best results in terms of geometric stability and hardness.porAcesso AbertoManufatura aditivaPré-formasTemperatura de intercamadaFeCrC-TiAdditive manufacturingPreformsInterlayer temperatureEfeito da temperatura de intercamada na liga a base de FeCrC-Ti na fabricação de pré- formas via manufatura aditiva por deposição à arco (MADA)Effect of the interlayer temperature on the FeCrC-Ti-Based alloy in the manufacture of preforms via additive manufacturing by arc deposition (MADA)TCC