2021-11-122021-11-122015-06AMARAL, Janaynne Carvalho do; FERNANDES, Ana Rita Vidica. Felicidade clandestina: uma fotonarrativa baseada em Bordados de Marjane Satrapi. Art&Sensorium: revista interdisciplinar internacional de artes visuais, Curitiba, v. 2, n. 1, p. 74-88, jun. 2015.e- 2237-1087http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20021This communication aims to describe and to reflect on the Art Direction applied to the process of adaptation and production of the photo narrative Clandestine Happiness from a scene of the work Broderies by the Iranian Marjane Satrapi. To do so, biographic data and aesthetic aspects of the author were analyzed, as well as concepts about the language of comics, photography and theatre. As a case study, this communication highlights the contrast between the perception of the feminine universe in the Western and in the Middle East through a technical and aesthetical analysis. The production of photo novels in the 1960’s Grande Hotel Magazine was studied together with the drawings of Marjane Satrapi. We review the expressive potential of the photo novel, qualified in this context as photo narrative, questioning the prejudice in both gender and vision of the Iranian culture and women’s role.porAcesso AbertoDireção de arteFotonovelaAdaptaçãoIrãArt directionPhoto novelAdaptationIranFelicidade clandestina: uma fotonarrativa baseada em Bordados de Marjane SatrapiClandestine happiness: a photo narrative based on Broderies by Marjane SatrapiArtigo