2021-07-202021-07-202011BORGES, Tatiana Diello; LAGO, Neuda Alves do; OLIVEIRA, Vitalino Garcia. “O bom professor de inglês é fluente na fala e na escrita, e tem conhecimentos gerais da cultura estrangeira”: crenças de uma formanda do curso de Letras. Intercâmbio, São Paulo, v. 24, p. 42-64, 2011. 2237-759Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19703In this paper, we present the beliefs of a graduating student in Language Studies from a federal university in Goias, Brazil, on English teaching/learning. Our theoretical basis consisted of studies on foreign language teaching and learning, focusing on beliefs. Our methodology was the case study, and the instruments for data collection were: semi-open questionnaire, narrative, and semi-structured interview. The results indicate that the participant concerned seems to believe that: 1) “the good English teacher is fluent both in speaking and writing and has a general knowledge on the foreign language culture”; and 2) “the Language Studies course (English) is amazing”.porAcesso AbertoEnglish teaching/learningTeachers’ trainingBeliefsEnsino/aprendizagem de inglêsCrençasFormação de professores"O bom professor de inglês é fluente na fala e na escrita, e tem conhecimentos gerais da cultura estrangeira": crenças de uma formanda do curso de LetrasArtigo