2021-06-092021-06-092014-06SANTANA, Jorge Alves; TEIXEIRA, Gismair Martins. A crítica genética e a estética da recepção em preâmbulos da poética de João Guimarães Rosa na escritura de Magma. Revista de Letras Norte@mentos: estudos literários, Sinop, v. 7, n. 13, p. 153-169, jan./jun. 2014.1983-8018http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19549This work aims to establish a study that relates the Genetic Criticism and Aesthetics of Recepcion at first, projecting the result on writing Magma, book of poems by João Guimarães Rosa, in an intertextual perspective with William Shakespeare, configuring a contribution to studies to endorse this work of Rosa as a preamble of the greatest poetic of the Brazilian writer.porAcesso AbertoGenetic criticismCrítica genéticaAesthetics of recepcionRosian poeticMagmaEstética da recepçãoPoética rosianaA crítica genética e a estética da recepção em preâmbulos da poética de João Guimarães Rosa na escritura de MagmaThe genetic criticism and the aesthetics of recepcion in the preambles of poetic João Guimarães Rosa in the deed of MagmaArtigo