2018-06-052018-06-052015ARRUDA, Mauke Ferreira; KUDO, Taciana Novo; BULCÃO NETO, Renato de Freitas. Especificação de requisitos de sistemas sensíveis a contexto:um mapeamento sistemático. Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA, Visconde de Araújo, n. 16, p. 41-51, jul./ dez. 2015.e- 1983-5604http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/15142Context-aware computing covers research on computational systems which adapt their behaviour so as to provide services or information to users according to their context of interaction. The literature has reported the complexity of development of such systems in the light of their features such as adaptation and heterogeneity of devices and information. This paper describes the execution of a systematic mapping on the requirements speci cation activity of contextaware systems, which is one of the early stages of software development. The main result includes the identi cation of gaps and/or research trends on requirements speci cation of context-aware systems.porAcesso AbertoEspecificação de requisitosSensibilidade a contextoMapeamento sistemáticoRequirements specificationContext awareSystematic mapingEspecificação de requisitos de sistemas sensíveis a contexto:um mapeamento sistemáticoRequirements specifi cation of context-aware systems: a systematic mappingArtigo