2019-12-112019-12-112019-06FREITAS, Adriana Ribeiro de; AMARAL, Cláudia Maria Silva Ribeiro; CHAVEIRO, Neuma. O processo de escolarização do surdo usuário de libras e seus desafios: revisão de literatura. Revista Sinalizar, Goiânia, v. 4, n. 1, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/revsinal/article/view/59340.e- 2448-0797http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18432Inclusive education policy aims at inclusive education. Although the legislation recognizes Libras as the official language of the deaf, this population has difficulties in the schooling process. Thus, this study aims to investigate the main barriers faced by the deaf in the schooling process through a review of the literature, conducted in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) in September 2018. We identified 19 publications, categorized in tables divided by author(s), year, title, objective and conclusion. The absence of effective communication and linguistic differences between Libras and Portuguese, as well as the lack of adaptation of pedagogical activities and knowledge of the impacts of deafness in the process of acquiring writing, are pointed as barriers to their schooling process. The presence of the interpreter thus becomes important for the school inclusion of the deaf.porAcesso AbertoSurdez e aprendizagemSurdez e leituraSurdez e escritaEscolarização do surdoDeafness and learningDeafness and readingDeafness and writingDeafness and schoolingO processo de escolarização do surdo usuário de libras e seus desafios: revisão de literaturaThe process of schooling the deaf user of libras and its challenges: literature reviewArtigo10.5216/rs.v4.59340