2017-12-262017-12-262009-08ALVES, Wanderson Ferreira; FUSARI, José Cerch. A formação contínua e a batalha do trabalho real: um estudo a partir da escola pública de ensino médio. Trabalho & Educação, Belo Horizonte, v. 18, n. 2, p. 81-95, maio/ago. 2009.1516-9537e- 2238-037Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13285The objective of this research is to analyse and comprehend how relations are constituted from the qualification, the teaching activity and the policies for continuing education in the Goiás State’s public high schools. It is mainly a qualitative research that took the ergological theory approach on work as its base. The teaching activity was analysed in the State of Goiás and it was sought to point out the activity, the knowledge, satisfaction and sufferings on the job.porAcesso AbertoTrabalho docenteFormação contínuaEnsino MédioQualificação profissionalErgologiaTeaching activityHigh school levelContinuing educationProfessional qualificationErgologyA formação contínua e a batalha do trabalho real: um estudo a partir da escola pública de ensino médioThe continuing education and the battle of the real work: a case study since public school teachers in high school levelArtigo