2021-09-212021-09-212009-03SILVA, Rhonan Ferreira da; PORTILHO, Cláudia Daniela Moreira; DARUGE JÚNIOR, Eduardo; PRADO, Mauro Machado do; GARCIA, Robson Rodrigues. Responsabilidade profissional no atendimento de pacientes com traumatismo dentário. Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial, Caramagibe, v. 9, n. 1, p. 53-58, jan./mar. 2009.1679-5458e- 1808-5210http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19889Dentoalveolar trauma may be caused by various factors such as aggression, accidental impacts and traffic accidents. Depending on the type of trauma associated with the region and teeth affected, the dental procedures may be conservative or more invasive, including the indication of extraction of traumatized teeth. Bearing in mind that, in addition to the clinical repercussions, dentoalveolar trauma may be associated with legal proceedings, instituted in various areas of law (civil, criminal, security, etc), this paper shows, on the basis of a clinical case, the importance of dental records and the professional liability of the dentist treating a patient suffering from orofacial trauma. The practitioner must therefore take care to record in detail all information obtained from the clinical treatments performed, duly filing the patient’s record and all other documents resulting from clinical practice with a view to safeguarding his or her professional conduct and the particular rights of the patient.porAcesso AbertoForensic dentistryOdontologia legalTooth injuriesLiabilityTraumatismos dentáriosResponsabilidade legalLegalResponsabilidade profissional no atendimento de pacientes com traumatismo dentárioProfessional liability in the treatment of patients with dental traumatismArtigo