2022-05-052022-05-052022-04-01FERREIRA, Rafaella Rodrigues dos Santos. Leitura na EJA: (re)construindo relações com o mundo social. 2022. 46 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20716This work aims to reflect on Youth and Adult Education (YAE), especially regarding the importance of reading, which can provide students with the necessary tools that enables (re)connections to their social environment and helps strengthen their social bonds. This bibliographical, qualitative work, founded upon studies related to the matter at hand, resorts to theoretical sources such as scientific articles, academic texts, and books. The main references were, among others, Haddad e Di Pierro (2000), who present elements of the history of YAE; Martins (1984), who brings forward reflections about the process of reading acquisition; and this work’s chief theorist, Paulo Freire, who contributes to the concept of education and to the ideas on the importance of reading, in his works, A importância do ato de ler: três artigos que se completam (2018) [The importance of the act of reading: 3 complementary articles] and Pedagogia do oprimido (2018) [existing English translation: Pedagogy of the oppressed]. In order to organize the discussion in regards to the act of reading in the YAE, we divided this work in two chapters. In the first one, we contextualized the historical constitution and the principal laws that regulate this modality of teaching in Brazil, identifying the importance of reading and writing in the YAE context. In the second chapter, we reflected upon the concept of education and the importance of reading in Paulo Freire and we sought to understand reading as a social practice that can allow the (re)construction of relations between reality and the student. We find that in Youth and Adult Education the practice of reading can allow students to experiment with multiple ways of reading the world, thus transcending the teaching of a single meaning in words.porAcesso AbertoEducação de jovens e adultosLeituraLeitura de mundoPaulo FreirePertencimento socialYouth and adult educationReadingReading the worldPaulo FreireSocial belongingLeitura na EJA: (re)construindo relações com o mundo socialReading in the youth and adult education context: reshaping relations with societyTCC