2022-04-122022-04-122013-12ANTUNES, Priscilla de Cesaro; SILVA, Ana Márcia; BAPTISTA, Tadeu João Ribeiro. Corpo e saúde na produção acadêmica da Educação Física brasileira: um estudo centrado na meia idade. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 41, p. 176-189, dez. 2013.e- 2175-8042.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20600This essay discusses the conceptions of body and health outlining the period of life named midlife, based on the production analysis available online from the Physical Education Strictu Sensu post-graduate programs in Brazil, up to December 2009. The empirical material selection process obtained two thesis and seventeen essays, on which was used the content analysis method, with emphasis on the theme analysis. The results indicate that the conceptions of body and health are distinguished by a predominant reductionist and fragmented perspective, expressed in the exclusivity of the anatomical and physiological analysis and an emphasis on illnesses, rather than health.porAcesso AbertoBodyCorpoHealthPhysical EducationAcademic productionMidlifeSaúdeEducação FísicaProdução acadêmicaMeia-idadeCorpo e saúde na produção acadêmica da Educação Física brasileira: um estudo centrado na meia idadeBody and health in brazilian physical education’s academic production: a study focused on the midlifeArtigohttps://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8042.2013v25n41p176