2021-05-112021-05-112015-12ÁLVARES, Margarida Rosa; PREUSS, Elena Ortiz. Abordagem de gêneros discursivos orais em livros didáticos de língua espanhola. Signum: estudos da linguagem, Londrina, v. 18, n. 2, p. 92-120, 2015.e- 2237-4876http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19463Several studies point that the oral genres have been marginalized in the classroom. However, often, difficulties in oral communication arise because a lack of knowledge about the discursive genre, although the speaker has the knowledge about the linguistic system. From this evidence and considering the role of textbooks in the language teaching learning process, in this article we aim to analyze how oral genres are treated on two textbooks of Spanish language. For this, we carry out a bibliographic research in which we analyzed textbooks chosen by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), in the years of 2012 and 2015. To achieve our goal, we exposed a theoretical overview about discursive genres and oral discursive genres, present the methodology adopted and the performed analyzes, which made it possible to note that in the collections there are still primacy by the pedagogical work from written genres, although when comparing the approach, the latest textbook presents more activities with oral discursive genres.porAcesso AbertoGêneros oraisOral genreLivros didáticosEspanholSpanish languageTextbooksAbordagem de gêneros discursivos orais em livros didáticos de língua espanholaOral discursive genre approach in spanish language textbooksArtigo