2020-01-222020-01-222015HERBETTA, Alexandre. “Alto sertão veredas”: por entre trilhas indígenas. Vivência: Revista de Antropologia, Natal, n. 43, p. 135-150, 2014e- 2238-6009http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18547The Kalankó indians live in the hinterland of Alagoas, Brazil, where they say that life is not easy. In this scenario, the music is a key code to survive. It is somehow a concrete way that promotes transformations. In this sense, it seems to be important for migration, i.e., geographic transformations, for healing, or the bodily modifi cations and political struggle, or social change. All these transformations leave traces - or lines - on the caatinga (Brazilian savannah). This paper seeks to explore the lines produced by the Kalankó movements, its forms and directionalities. So, through the lines, it tries to understand, then, the relationship between music and culture. In this sense, the analysis points to the translation character of this musicality.porAcesso AbertoMúsicaLinhasTransformaçãoMusicLinesTransformation"Alto sertão veredas”: por entre trilhas indígenas“High backcountry paths”: among indian trailsArtigo