2018-01-112018-01-112011-12GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; MOTA, Thiago Eustáquio Araújo. Do Tártaro aos Vergéis Elíseos: a jornada do Descensus, os exempla e os espaços do Averno na Eneida de Virgílio. Mneme, Caicó, v. 12, n. 30, p. 1-22, jul./dez. 2011.1518-3394http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13389From the study of Avernus’ imaginary geography and the proposition of descensus in Book VI, we’ll query the connections between memory, power and the realm of dead in Aeneid of Vergil. Aeneas in his journey through the kingdom of Pluto, guided by Sibyl, travels by different regions organized according to logic of power and moral patterns which together increase a spatial hierarchy, noticeable in narrative.porAcesso AbertoMundo dos mortosDescensusEneidaRealm of deadDescensusAeneidDo Tártaro aos Vergéis Elíseos: a jornada do Descensus, os exempla e os espaços do Averno na Eneida de VirgílioFrom Tartarus to Elysian Fields: the jorney of Descensus, the exempla and the spaces of Avernus in Aeneid of VergilArtigo