2017-11-132017-11-132009OLIVEIRA, João Ferreira de; LEMOS, Jandernaide Resende. Acesso e expansão do ensino superior noturno em Goiás: perpectivas de democratização. Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 17, n. 2, p. 26-48, 2009.e-1982-9949http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/12824This paper analyzes the evolution of the supply of higher education, on the night shift, in Goias, based on the reforms implemented, particularly since the 1990s. We seek to understand, in particular, as has been structuring the provision of higher education in São Paulo and their relationship with the public policies of higher education in Brazil. The basic purpose is to ensure that the expansion of enrollment in night courses at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), public and private, has contributed to an effective democratization of access to that level of education.porAcesso AbertoEducação superiorDemocratizaçãoEnsino noturnoExpansãoPolíticas públicasHigher educationEvening classesExpansionDemocratizationPublic policyAcesso e expansão do ensino superior noturno em Goiás: perpectivas de democratizaçãoAccess and expansion of higher education in late Goiás: prospects for democracyArtigo10.17058/rea.v17i2.1044