2017-12-142017-12-142005-12JACOBSON, Tamiel Khan Baiocchi; GARCIA, José; SANTOS, Suzana da Costa; DUARTE, João Batista; FARIAS, João Gaspar; KLIEMANN, Huberto José. Influência de fatores edáficos na produção de fenóis totais e taninos de duas espécies de barbatimão (Stryphnodendron sp.). Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 35, n. 3, p. 163-169, set./dez. 2005. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2218>.1517-6398http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13184This study evaluated the influence of edaphic factors on total phenols and tannins yield of two species of barbatimão (S. adstringens and S. polyphyllum). Data were collected in four "cerrado" locations in Goiás State, Brazil, during the dry (July 2001) and rainy season (February 2002). S. adstringens specimens (trees) were sampled in the municipalities of Rio Verde, Bela Vista de Goiás and Silvânia, and specimens of S. polyphyllum were sampled in Rio Verde, Bela Vista de Goiás and Abadia de Goiás; five specimens were collected from each county, totaling thirty specimens. The collected material consisted of one bark sample per specimen and season, and soil samples at two depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) in the dry season. Bark total phenols and tannins were determined by Hagerman & Butler method, and soil analyses followed the current methods recommended by Embrapa. Data was statistically analyzed by principal component analysis. It was showed that low chemical fertility soils were associated with the highest total phenols and tannins, particularly for S. polyphylum. Higher yields of these metabolic products were observed in the rainy season. In the dry season, sandy soils were positively correlated with total phenols and tannins yields, while soil aluminum saturation was more correlated with total phenols and tannins in the rainy seasonporAcesso AbertoPlanta medicinalCerradoTaninosFenóisMedicinal herbTanninpheno.Influência de fatores edáficos na produção de fenóis totais e taninos de duas espécies de barbatimão (Stryphnodendron sp.)Influence of edaphic factors in total phenols and tannins yield of two barbatimão species (Stryphnodendron sp.)Artigo