2020-02-142020-02-142009SOUZA, João Batista de et al. Hipoplasia do esmalte: tratamento restaurador estético. Robrac: revista odontológica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 47, p. 14-19, 2009.2359-3466http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18694The enamel hypoplasia is an incomplete or deficient formation of the enamel organic matrix. It can appear by hereditary origin or by a consequence of systemic or local events that happen during teeth development. It comes as whitish, wrinkled, sulcus and grooves stains, as well as, other alterations in the enamel structure. Clinically, it appears with no enamel or just part of it, presenting an unsatisfactory aesthetics. In agreement with this anomaly degree of severity, several treatment protocols can be realized since whitening and microabrasion, until conservative aesthetic restorations and artificial crown. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present a clinical case that reports an option of enamel hypoplasia treatment. Female patient, 9, accompanied by her mother, sought the FO-UFG complaining about white stains in her permanents teeth. During the anamnesis the mother told that white stains just appeared in the moment of permanent incisors eruption. Clinically, it was observed in the middle and incisal thirds of the upper central incisors the presence of whitish spots profound and light alteration of the contour incisal, adopting a treatment is direct aesthetic restorative. The structures hypoplastic in 11 and 21 teeth were worn only to the removal of the affected tooth structure. After etching and application of adhesive system, there was the restoration with micro-hybrid resin composite by stratification of the enamel and dentin, followed by finishing and polishing of restorations. From the treatment could restore the aesthetic harmony, providing significant positive impact on self-esteem of the patient.porAcesso AbertoHipoplasia do esmalte dentárioEstética dentáriaResinas compostasRestauração dentária permanenteDental enamel hypoplasiaDental estheticsComposite resinsDental restorationHipoplasia do esmalte: tratamento restaurador estéticoEnamel hipoplasia: aesthetic restorative treatmentArtigo