2018-04-122018-04-122002FARIA, Elaine Alves de; LELES, Maria Inês Gonçalves; IONASHIRO, Massao; ZUPPA, Tatiana de Oliveira; ANTONIOSI FILHO, Nelson Roberto. Estudo da estabilidade térmica de óleos e gorduras vegetais por TG/DTG e DTA. Eclética Química, Araraquara, v. 27, 2002.0100-4670e- 1678-4618http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14457Vegetal oils and fats are very useful in the food and chemist industry, they have demanded from researchers and technicians analytical methods able to estimate the conditions for their processing and storage. The thermal stability of vegetal oils is a main determinant in recognizing their value. The goal of this study is to evaluate the thermal stability of vegetable oils and fats extracted from the seeds of plants from Brazilian cerrado (araticum, babassu, Brazilian wine-palm, guariroba, murici). The thermal stability was evaluated by TG/DTG and DTA techniques, in a temperature range from 30º to 650º, under nitrogen atmosphere, and at a heating rate 10º C min-1. The TG/DTG and DTA used were efficient and fast in the determination of oils and fasts studied.porAcesso AbertoÓleos vegetaisEstabilidadeAnalise térmicaVegetal oilStabilityThermal analysisEstudo da estabilidade térmica de óleos e gorduras vegetais por TG/DTG e DTAThermal stability of vegetal oils and fats by TG/DTG and DTAArtigo10.1590/S0100-46702002000100010