2017-12-192017-12-192015-04ALVES, Wanderson Ferreira; SOARES JÚNIOR, Néri Emílio. A noção de qualificação do trabalho nas pesquisas em educação: uma análise do GT Trabalho e Educação da ANPEd.Trabalho & Educação, Belo Horizonte, v. 24, n. 1, p.67-83, jan./abr. 2015.e- 2238-037X1516-9537http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13233This study aims to analyze the appropriation of labor qualification concept in studies and research presented in GT Labour and Education in ANPEd on the National Scientific Meeting the 10-year interval (2004-2013). During this period were presented 145 papers, but only 15 can be described as papers that address the qualification. Overall these authors, there are few that articulate conceptual and analytical frameworks that show the apprehension of the qualification problem. More over, the works have important theoretical and methodological limitations. The text concludes by stating that the area of education much to gain from a better understanding of the work of sociology developed on this topic and category analysis.porAcesso AbertoQualificação do trabalhoTrabalho e educaçãoTrabalho docenteLabour qualificationTeachingLabour and educationA noção de qualificação do trabalho nas pesquisas em educação: uma análise do GT Trabalho e Educação da ANPEdThe labour qualification concept in education research: an analysis of academic production of GT Labour and Education / ANPEdArtigo