2023-12-142023-12-142023-08-15RIBEIRO, Júlio César Dâmaso. Execução extrajudicial da Lei 9.514/97 e leilões frustrados: enriquecimento ilícito de credores? 2023. 60 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/23978Law 9.514, of November 20, 1997, deals with fiduciary alienation and, among several aspects, established the fiduciary alienation of immovable property. This law made a significant contribution to guaranteeing the payment of a credit assigned to the debtor by the creditor. In this way, the current law aims to protect the creditor from the possible default of the debtor, guaranteeing the payment of the debt. However, the consolidation of the property by the fiduciary creditor may - in some cases – constitute an illicit enrichment (art. 88 of Law 10,406/2002), considering the debt amount and the market value of the alienated property, and the market value of the alienated property must be greater than the assigned credit. From the default of the debtor, the execution procedure takes place and, in the future, the consolidation of the property. That said, the problem and analysis of the subject lies in the possible illicit enrichment of the fiduciary creditor, when consolidating a property that has a market value greater than the executed debt after the auction attempts have been exhausted (article 27, paragraph 5 of Law 9.514/ 1997), in addition to deepening the complex financial situation of the executed debtor. Therefore, the work intends to contribute to the reflection on the improvement of extrajudicial executive procedures in fiduciary alienation, with a focus on the consolidation of the debtors' properties in the event of frustration of the auctions carried out in public auction, observing the principle of the lowest cost of the debtor and the practice of illicit enrichment, based on the descriptive work methodology, with the use of bibliographical research and jurisprudential survey.porAcesso AbertoAlienação fiduciáriaLeilãoEnriquecimento ilícitoExecução extrajudicialFiduciary alienationAuctionIllicit enrichmentExtrajudicial executionExecução extrajudicial da Lei 9.514/97 e leilões frustrados: enriquecimento ilícito de credores?TCC