2022-01-172022-01-172012FREIRE, Mac Daves de Morais et al. Aderência às normas internacionais de contabilidade pelas empresas brasileiras. Revista de Contabilidade e Organizações, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 15, p. 3-22, 2012.e- 1982-6486http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20179In Brazil, the convergence process to international accounting began with the changes of the corporate law (6404/76), fomented by the laws 11638/07 and 11941/09. The Brazilian tax law has always influenced the accounting practice. But the new legislation allowed the complete separation of accounting and tax criteria for asset valuation. The present study aims to answer the following question: In case of changes in the existing legislation and regulation, but with the possibility to adopt alternative practices, would companies follow the new practices instead of the former ones, leading to a fully identical accounting practices and regulations, as for the depreciation criteria? In this regard, we performed an empirical study on Brazilian companies listed in BM&F Bovespa. The results indicated that a high percentage of companies have adopted new practices. However, companies using tax rates for calculating the depreciation of fixed assets were identified.porAcesso AbertoConvergênciaConvergenceDepreciaçãoImobilizadoTaxas fiscais de depreciaçãoTaxas por estimativa de vida útil econômicaDepreciationFixed assetsDepreciation ratesEstimated economic lifetime rateAderência às normas internacionais de contabilidade pelas empresas brasileirasCompliance with international standards on accounting by brazilian companies listedArtigo10.11606/rco.v6i15.52654