2023-06-142023-06-142023-02-28SANTOS FILHO, Everaldo Ubiratan dos. Gerontologia LGBTQIA+: do Estatuto da Pessoa Idosa à violência estrutural. 2023. 53 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) - Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22715The aging of the population is a reality all over the world, and the growth of the elderly population has been growing potentially, being also a Brazilian reality. It is necessary to take a stand before the various types of disrespect practiced against the elderly, with a special focus on violence against them, mainly the violence against LGBTQIA+ elder people. Although the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 contemplates the subject in a superficial manner, it enables the enactment of a specific legal instrument for protection through Law n°10.741/03, known as the Statute of the Elder Person. In the light of the above, this study demonstrates that the law, as a specific instrument to protect the elderly population, fulfills its objective. It also shows that the ineffectiveness of the fight against structural violence perpetrated against the elderly lies in the lack of denunciation and inspection by society, family, and the State, institutions that work together to protect the elderly. In this sense, it becomes even more worrisome when we understand that the accelerated growth of the elderly population, despite being considered a positive factor in the history of human development, does not occur in line with the creation of measures that aim to ensure the quality of life of these individuals. Contrary to what was imagined, this growth has pointed to social, political, and economic problems, fostering the creation and development of violence.porAcesso AbertoPessoa idosaGerontologiaGeriatriaDireitos humanosQualidade de vidaElderlyGerontologyGeriatricsHuman rightsQualificGerontologia LGBTQIA+: do Estatuto da Pessoa Idosa à violência estruturalTCC