2019-01-282019-01-282009-03FERREIRA, Bárbara Chaar; SANTOS, Karina L. dos; RUDOLPH, Steph Caires; ALCANFOR, Joana D’arc Ximenes; CUNHA, Luiz Carlos da. Estudo dos medicamentos utilizados pelos pacientes atendidos em laboratório de análises clínicas e suas interferências em testes laboratoriais: uma revisão da literatura. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 6, n. 1, p. 33-43, jan./mar. 2009. Disponível em: <https://revistas.ufg.br/REF/article/view/5859/4559>.e- 1808-0804http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16873The drugs interference in clinical analysis takes an important role in routine laboratory for interfering in trials and modifies the clinical and laboratory diagnosis. Many drugs exert effects in vivo, in vitro or both simultaneously on the laboratory tests. The objective of this study was to identify the most used drugs for patients who were assisted at the Centro de Análises Clínicas Rômulo Rocha in Goiânia (GO) in the period from June to December 2007 and examining possible interactions between the most used drugs for patients and laboratory tests. For this route was a descriptive and retrospective study, through the analysis of 600 sheets, most of the drugs used for patients and service users provided by the laboratory. Among the drugs surveyed, were selected the five most used to be made a discussion about your interactions in laboratory tests. The five drugs most used were: captopril, enalapril, hydrochlorothiazide, levotiroxine sodium and propranolol. Among the five medicines there was more interference in vivo than in vitro. As an example of such interference can cite: the captopril, which can provide false-positive results in ketones in the urine; enalapril that may interfere with antinuclear antibody, the hydrochlorothiazide which increases the concentration of urea in vivo; tyroxine the sodium that can cause a reduction physiological effect in the examination of apolipoprotein B and propranolol that can cause high levels of blood urea. The results can also be used for promotion and planning of actions of Pharmaceutical Care.porAcesso AbertoTestes laboratoriaisInterações de medicamentosFarmacoepidemiologiaLaboratory testDrug interactionsPharmacoepidemiologyEstudo dos medicamentos utilizados pelos pacientes atendidos em laboratório de análises clínicas e suas interferências em testes laboratoriais: uma revisão da literaturaProfile of medicines used for outpatients assisted at clinical analysis laboratory and the interference in laboratory tests:a literature reviewArtigo10.5216/ref.v6i1.5859