2014-10-232014-10-232010MENEZES, Juliana Santos de. O impacto das novas tecnologias na empresa pública: estudo de caso do twitter. 2010. 114 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/4235Change is the keyword in the information society. Today, the major trends in the corporate and social world converges on a participatory action of citizens through social media tools. We are living a time that will extend and enhance the democratic process. We have redefined the role of the citizen, that is more engaged and part of debate and of the political struggle. In the current scenario, the citizen has a voice and opinion with the new forms of sociability offered by the Internet and other interactive media. Technology have changed the lifestyle of people, structures and social interactions. It is understood, therefore, that it is essential the understanding of the relationships that are drawn on the network, since it suggests a favorable space for discussions and policy deliberations and to democratic practices. Based on these propositions this monograph will study and discuss how the interactions are formed between citizens and political subjects in social media and the influence of new technologies in education policy between citizens and the political public sphere. It is intended to examine one of the most striking phenomena of social media nowadays: the Twitter microblogging. Through the literature of the themes explored - public sphere, democracy, Web 2.0, social media and Twitter - and a poll of the proposal, set up a scene to look like microblogging can offer a space for free expression and political discussion and the emergence of a virtual political public sphere. From the reflection made in the subjects' profiles on Twitter and political interactions among the actors involved, it was drew up the reflections of the development of the study, pointing out the search results to a baseline trend of broadening political participation and the democratic process, that will change the conception of the political process and exercise of citizenship in Brazilian society.porAcesso abertoEsfera públicaDemocraciaInternetTwitterPublic sphereDemocracyO impacto das novas tecnologias na empresa pública: estudo de caso do twitterMonografia