2019-08-092019-08-092005BACHION, Maria Márcia; ABREU, Ludmila de Ornellas; GODOY, Lorany Ferreira; COSTA, Efraim Carlos. Vulnerabilidade ao estresse entre professores de uma universidade pública. Revista Enfermagem UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n. 1, p. 32-37, 2005.e- 0104-3552http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17890When a person is living a period of vulnerability, he/she can experience the harmful effects of stress. This study aimed at assessing stress vulnerability among faculties and at studying the relationship between vulnerability and some socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects. Seventy-one faculty members of a public university in the Brazilian Midwest participated in the study, in 2002. Subjects completed a socio-demographic questionnaire and the stress vulnerability scale. The majority of the subjects (76,1%) had a low vulnerability to stress; 21,1% had moderate vulnerability and 2,8% had a high vulnerability to stress. A tendency to higher vulnerability has been observed among women, faculty members less than forty years old, having no partners, reporting three or four fields of practice and not having a graduate degree.porAcesso AbertoDocenteEnsino universitárioEstresseSaúde do trabalhadorTeacherAcademic studiesStressWorker healthVulnerabilidade ao estresse entre professores de uma universidade públicaStress vulnerability among faculty members of a public universityArtigo