2018-04-182018-04-181990-12TURCHI, Maria Zaira. O gênio do crime: do suspense à critica social. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 1, p. 107-122, jan./dez. 1990. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sig/article/view/7225/5117>.0103-7250http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14540The suspense Lrend in Lhe Brazilian Li1era-1ure for You1h is Jargely used and João Carlos Ma­rinho is one of ils most importam represen1alivcs. The present essay <leais wilh lhe study of his work O gênio do crime. showing how and why Lhis no­vel can be considered a narrative of suspense, pla­ced between lhe classical mistery novel. and the socalled ''black series novel. This study in1ends al­so to reveal 1hat behind 1he suspense lhat touches lhe young reader, lhe novel makes as well ironical and good humoured cruicism of aspccts of our so­cial reality.porAcesso AbertoO gênio do crime: do suspense à critica socialArtigo10.5216/sig.v2i1.7225