2018-05-152018-05-152000-12SANTOS, Dulce O. Amarante dos. Outros olhares sobre a jograria ibérica urbana (sécs. XIII-XIV). História Revista, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1/2, p. 71-88, jan./dez. 2000. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/historia/article/view/10590/7048>.1414-6312http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14942This paper explores thejograria, a social and cultural practice in the lbcrian Kingdoms (Xlllth and XIVth centuries). This practice included a series of conncctcd activities: music, danse, poetry and songs. lograis and soldadeims were itinerants entertainers in the world of royal and episcopal corn1s anel urban religious festivais of the kingdoms ofLeon, Castille anel Po11ugal. This paper also points at the eccle.siastical and lay condemnation ofthis urban cultural practice ali long the Middle Ages (inj(mzia).porAcesso AbertoJograriaSoldadeirasCultura urbanaReinos ibéricos medievaisUrban cultural practiceMusic anel poetryIberian kingdornsOutros olhares sobre a jograria ibérica urbana (sécs. XIII-XIV)Artigo10.5216/hr.v5i1.10590