2023-03-022023-03-022019-07SANTANA, Jorge Alves. Dispositivos alteritários na religiosidade transcultural e aspectos ecocríticos de São Marcos, de Guimarães Rosa. Revista FronteiraZ, São Paulo, n. 22, p. 90-113, jul. 2019. DOI: 10.23925/1983-4373.2019i22p90-113. Disponível em: https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/fronteiraz/article/view/37429. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2023.e- 1983-4373http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21993José/Izé, the narrator-protagonist of the tale São Marcos, by GuimarãesRosa tells us, in cautious mise en abyme, that his cook Sá Nhá Rita Preta, used to warn him about his behavior towards the traditions of religiosity/mysticism of Calango-Frito–traditions produced by transversality among indigenous, African and European cultures. "If you do not accept it, you are the king in your own land; but to abuse ... ah, no way you should!" (ROSA,2001, p. 218). In this socio-aesthetic context, we will reflect on cultural violence, and its consequences for the maintenance or displacement of actions which this character causes to most famous sorcerer of this locus, João Mangolô, in the backlands of Minas Gerais. Political-cultural production of supposedly strange identities, of mobilities and reconstruction of heteregeneous and interconnected existential universes, as well as transculturalities immersed in ecocritical devices transforming the socius performed, are the predominant themes in the study of this narrative, one of the matrices of Rosa’s aesthetic paradigm.porAcesso AbertoAlteridadeGuimarães RosaSão MarcosReligiosidadeTransculturasReligiosityOthernessTransculturesDispositivos alteritários na religiosidade transcultural e nos aspectos ecocríticos de São Marcos, de Guimarães RosaAlteritydevices in cross-cultural religiosity and in the ecocritical aspects of São Marcos by Guimarães RosaArtigohttps://doi.org/10.23925/1983-4373.2019i22p90-113