2017-02-212017-02-211972-03FERNANDES, Waldemar J.; BARBOSA, William. Toxoplasmose em Goiás. comparação dos resultados da reação de sabinfeldman em investigação clínica e epidemiológica. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, p. 51- 61, jan./mar. 1972. Disponível em: < https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/23348/13741>.0301-0406http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11435The results of 141 l Sabin-FddmLin tcst pcrformcd on patients procccding from scvcral clinics wcrc analyzcd: ophtalmologic 213; neurologic 52; ohsletric 231; general clinic 353, other clinics 562. Thcse results wcrc comparcd with thosc obtained in 366 apparently normal individuais livíng in thc samc área. The average índex of positivúy was 56,7% and 4H,6% rcspectivcly. Titcrs as high or over 1/1024 werc found in 12% of the first group and in 5,1% of the hcalthy individuais whereas titcrs ranging betwccn 1/16 and l '256 wcre found in 45,9% of the patients and among 43,4% of the hcalthy group.porAcesso AbertoToxoplasmose em Goiás: comparação dos resultados da reação de sabinfeldman em investigação clinica e epidemiológicaToxoplasmosis in Goiás, comparison of the rksljlts of the sabi1vpeldman dye test in clinical and epidemiologic sukveysArtigo