2023-03-212023-03-212023-02-27SANTOS, Laura Ferreira. A afetividade na educação infantil: uma análise bibliográfica. 2023. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22131The main theme of this work is affectivity and the impact of affective manifestations in the teaching and learning process in Early Childhood Education. Specifically, it aimed to understand how affectivity constitutes the human being and its repercussions in the classroom; to verify how the academic literature presents the affection of the teacher and the students and their contributions to learning, and to discuss the importance and uniqueness of Early Childhood Education within the scope of Basic Education. This is a qualitative and bibliographic research, which is based on authors such as Vygotsky (1994), Wallon (1995) and commentators such as Leite (2012), Mahoney and Almeida (2007), Machado, Facci and Barroco (2011) for the discussion about affectivity and the development of the child's psyche; and in Oliveira (2013), for a brief understanding of the constitution of Early Childhood Education. A search was carried out for scientific articles published in the Periodicals Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) with the descriptor “affectivity in Early Childhood Education”, in the last 10 years, and 20 articles were found. The analysis of these articles considered the understanding of affectivity in Early Childhood Education and the contributions to the teaching-learning of children, in addition to examining the methodologies used, the main authors and the associated themes. The study showed that much has been produced in recent years on the subject, but there is still a vast field for study on affectivity. Considering the relevance for the formation of the subject in its entirety, it is the role of the teacher, especially in Early Childhood Education, to understand the importance of affectivity in the development of the child and in the construction of knowledge.porAcesso AbertoAfetividadeEducação infantilPesquisa bibliográficaAffectivityChild educationBibliographic researchA afetividade na educação infantil: uma análise bibliográficaAffectivity in early childhood education: a bibliographical analysisTCC