2022-11-032022-11-032019-12CRUZ, Aline da; ALVES, Deuseni Miranda de Farias. Construções com três participantes em Nheengatu oitocentista. Via Litterae, Anápolis, v. 11, n. 2, p. 168-183, jul./dez. 2019.e- 2176-6800http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21549The aim of this paper is to analyze the three participant constructions in 19th century Nheengatu, as registered in Barbosa Rodrigues' narrative collection (1890). Nheengatu, as called ‘língua geral amazônica’, emerged from the grammatical development suffered by Tupinambá (Tupi-Guarani, subgroup III), in intense contact situation since it was used in the colonial period as the main language for administrative and religious purposes. Our diachronic analysis shows that in 19th century, the expression of the intralocutive receivers and beneficiaries could occur by the use of the postposition supé, the most conservative form, or by the use of a subordinator arama, an innovation of 19th century Nheengatu.These 19th century variation is the source of the split in three participant constructions found in 21st Nheengatu (CRUZ, 2014).porAcesso AbertoConstruções com três participantesCaso dativoLíngua geral amazônicaNheengatuTupinambáDative case markerIndigenous languagesTupi-guarani languagesNheengatuConstruções com três participantes em Nheengatu oitocentistaThree-participant constructions in 19th century NheengatuArtigo