2024-02-062024-02-062024-01-16MACEDO, Isabella Cristina Santos; CARVALHO, Maria Eduarda de Almeida; MACEDO, Sofia de Carvalho. Sabi: Design de interface ludo-educativa como ferramenta de aprendizagem infantil. 2024. 126 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Design Gráfico) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24268Due to constant technological revolutions, the contemporary learning space is no longer reserved solely for the classroom. That being said, this final paper explores the role of graphic design as a coordinator and proposer of innovative solutions in the field of children's learning. Based on the methodological approach of Passos (2014), by reconciling interaction design and user experience with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences (1993), the objective was to design the interface of a web app suitable for the digital context of contemporary children's learning. Merging ludic with the precepts of social-interactionism, Sabi’s functional prototype, a digital platform that aims to encourage its users to recognize and enhance their skills while learning while having fun with the Sabichinhos, is presented as the result of the research.porAcesso AbertoDesign de interfacesDesign de personagensAprendizagem infantilLúdicoWeb app infantilInterface designCharacter designChildren's learningLudicChildren's web appSabi: design de interface ludo-educativa como ferramenta de aprendizagem infantilTrabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (TCCG)