2013-09-242013-09-242011-06-30CARVALHO, Maria Alice de Sousa. Ações avaliativas oficiais: para que avaliar?. Polyphonía, v. 22, n. 1, jan./jun. 2011. Disponível em: <http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/sv/article/view/21220/12448>.2236-0514e-2238-8850http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/1219v. 22, n. 1, jan./jun. 2011.The aim of this study is to discuss the assessment proposed by the Ministry of Education in Decree 6094 (BRASIL, 2007), in particular, the programs Basic Education Index and the Brazil Test. Assessment is studied, taking into consideration the context of the educational policies drawn up since the 1990s, in which the role of the State was reformulated, in order to guarantee the provision of a set of educational actions based on three axes: assessment, management and financing. This analysis would hope to contribute to the discussion on the role of assessment in official national programs.pt-BRPolítica educacionalEducação básicaAvaliaçãoÍndice de educação básicaAções avaliativas oficiais: para que avaliar?Official assessment: why assess?Article