2022-04-132022-04-132022-03-29TELLES, Eduardo de Oliveira. Implementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular: um olhar para a reconstrução da proposta curricular de Educação Física do CEPAE/UFG. 2022. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20612This is a documental and explorational research located in an educational sphere. It recapture a brief historicity of Brazilian Physical Education curriculum; reading of some government documents like “Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional” (LDB) and “Base Nacional Comum Curricular” (BNCC); and explores a research of the Physical Education Department (DEF) of the school “Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa aplicada à Educação da Universidade Federal de Goiás” (CEPAE-UFG) about rebuilding their Physical Education curriculum. The main objectives are to explore the BNCC, especially when there is connection with Physical Education; show the way DEF of CEPAE-UFG decided to deal with the BNCC; and to highlight the pedagogical strategies of CEPAE as a model to other schools and institutes. This research allowed to identify conservative characteristics presented by the BNCC that reply previously known issues of Physical Education; and to enhance the potential to legitimate the Physical Education in school and to contribute with local researches that CEPAE-UFG strategies presents.porAcesso AbertoEducação FísicaEscolaBase Nacional Comum CurricularPhysical EducationSchoolBase Nacional Comum CurricularImplementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular: um olhar para a reconstrução da proposta curricular de Educação Física do CEPAE/UFGBNCC and the CEPAE/UFG reconstruction of the Physical Education curriculum proposalTCC